## <a name="minimum-setup" ></a> What is the minimum setup before I start using GitLab?
Your gitlab user account will be automatically provisioned when the first time you login to Gitlab and
most of your user profile settings will be populated from Stanford directory, such as your account id (sunetid), name, email. You should not change these.
most of your user profile settings will be populated from Stanford directory, such as your account id (sunetid), name, email. You should not change these. If you get a "422 Error" after login to gitlab, see [Why do I get "422 Error?" when sign-in?](#422-error)
You can click **Profile Settings** button on the left panel to change default appearance for your GitLab web interface. You definitely want to look into the "SSH Keys" tab. In this tab, click the "Add SSH Key" button to add SSH keys so you can communicate with GitLab through git command.